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selected WORKS.

if you are interested in any, please contact for score by e-mail


ELEMENTS for flute, oboe, clarinet Bb, bassoon, horn on F, trumpet in C, trombone, tuba, piano, harp (2022)
written for Ensemble Intercontemporain, IRCAM ManiFeste - 2022
world premiere - july 2, 2022 - Paris, France


written for CEAM and MCME

world premiere - June, 2023 - Stanislavsky Electrotheatre - Moscow

WAY.LIGHT.TREES for clarinet in Bb, piano, violin and performer (2022)
world premiere - october, 2022 - Novalis Festival, Croatia


Opera “DIVE” for big ensemble, vocal ensemble, tape and 4 singers (2021)
written for Cooperation Lab
world premiere - october, 31, 2021 - New Opera Moscow Theatre,Russia
GAMEnsemble and LaGol Ensemble

HERALDS for flute, oboe, clarinet Bb, horn in F, piano, percussion, violin, viola, cello and tape (2021)
written for Divertimento Ensemble
world premiere - september, 2021 - Italy

COLLISION for cello, sax tenor, electric guitars, tape and video  (2021) 
written for GAMEnsemble
world premiere - june, 2021 - New stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre, VIII St. Petersburg International New Music Festival, Russia, 

MIST AND LIGHT for flute, clarinet Bb, piano and bass guitar (2020) 
written for Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble, 
world premiere - november, 2020 - X International Young Composer Academy in Tchaikovsky city, Russia

COSMIC DUST for orchestra of folk instruments (2020)
written for Ensemble “Russia”, Open Space Competition
world premiere - october, 2020 - Space Museum, Moscow

SPHERES  for flute, clarinet Bb, piano, violin, cello  (2020)
written for Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble
world premiere - July, 2020 - VII St. Petersburg International New Music Festival, Russia

VOICE OF THE VOID for piano, alto sax, trumpet in C and viola (2019)
written for MotoContrario Ensemble
world premiere - December, 2019 - Agora Forum&Sound, Italy

HORIZON OF SILENCE for accordion and string quartet (2019)
written for MikroOrkestra
world premiere - July, 2019 - Composer+ Summer Academy - Lithuania

SLEEP for string quartet, soprano and accordion (2019)
world premiere -  April, 2019 - Kazan city, Russia

SLEEPY SPINDLE for big ensemble (2019)
world premiere -  February, 2019 - Kazan, Russia

WILD WORLD for flute, clarinet Bb, piano, violin, cello and percussion (2019)
written at the Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts (USA)
world premiere - March, 2019 - Kazan, Russia

TWILIGHT IN THE FOREST for flute, oboe, clarinet Bb, horn in F, bassoon (2018)
world premiere - Kazan, Russia

SEVEN PRELUDES for a string quartet  (2017)
world premiere - Kazan, Russia



FIBER for electric guitar, tape and video (2022)

written Cologne Guitar Quartet 

world premiere - January 6, 2023 - Tel Aviv, Israel


NEON NATURE for flute, bass flute, splash, electronics and video (2022)

written for Andrea Biagini, Ensemble Suono Giallo

world premiere - July 23, 2022 - ilSUONO Contemporary Music Week - Italy


FOREST for accordion (2019)

written for MikroOrkestra

world premiere - July, 2019 - Composer+ Summer Academy - Lithuania


CLOUD  for flute (2020)

written for Hagar Shahal, MEITAR Ensemble

world premiere - January 2, 2020 - CEME 2020 festival - Tel Aviv, Israel


ELECTRIC CLOUD for flute and tape (2019)

written for Almaz Bagabiev

world premiere - May 2019, Kazan, Russia


THE SOUND DIED AWAY for symphonic orchestra (2022)

written for Kazan Conservatory Symphonic Orchestra

world premiere - May 15, 2022 - Grand Concert Hall, Kazan, Russia 


PEAK (2019)

written for Pro-Music Orchestra


WAIT for ensemble, electronics and video (2021)

video artist - Alexandra Golikova

written for the Praktika Theater at the Museum of Moscow, CEAM Artist

world premiere - October, 2021 - CEAM Artists - Praktika Theater at the Museum of Moscow

COLLISION V2 for ensemble, electronics and video (2022)

video artist - Alexandra Golikova

written for St. Petersburg International New Music Festival and CEAM Artists

world premiere - June, 2022 - CEAM Artist - St. Petersburg International New Music Festival

NEON NATURE V2 for ensemble, electronics and video (2022)

video artist - Alexandra Golikova

written for Ignat Khlobystin

world premiere - April, 2023 - International Contemporary Chamber and Electroacoustic Music Festival in Kazan, Russia

FIBER for electric guitar, electronics and video (2022)

written for Cologne Guitar Quartet

world premiere - January 6, 2023 - Tel Aviv, Israel - CEME 2023


  • Multimedia Show "NEON NATURE"

GES-2 House of the Culture, Moscow

​Composer, Artistic director - Roman Parkhomenko

Director - Ruslan Bitsoev

3D Artist - Rita Valeeva

Multimedia Artist - Andre Svibovitch

  • Play "Hunger"

Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre

Novel - Knut Hamsun

Director - Elizaveta Bondar

Composer - Roman Parkhomenko

  • Award ceremony for the Sergei Kuryokhin Prize in Contemporary Arts

New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg

Director - Andre Svibovitch

Composer, Conductor - Roman Parkhomenko

Originaly music by Sergei Kuryokhin

  • La vie di N​ 

(PREMIER - 21/12/2019, Kazan, Russia)

Clown - Ruslan Rimanas

Director- Elena Kalaganova 

Composer Roman Parkhomenko

Conductor - Roman Parkhomenko

  • OPERA  “DIVE” for large ensemble, vocal ensemble, electronics and 4 singers (2021)

written for the Opera Lab Cooperation Lab

world premiere - October 31, 2021 - Moscow Novaya Opera Theatre, Russia - GAMEnsemble and LaGol Ensemble

  • Performance Dom im Berg (Austria, Impuls festival)

film music:

  • Documentary biopic “Still Young. 35/7” (directors - Didar Orazov, Alexander Silkin)

  • Documentary film “Priority” (director - Didar Orazov, 2024)

  • Short film “The Collector” (director - Dimitris Argyriou, version - as part of Fusion Film Scoring, Greece)

  • Documentary film “Shark” (director - Milyausha Rizvanova)

  • Documentary film-video art “Sofia” about Sofia Gubaidulina (director - Didar Orazov, premiere - New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater)

  • Documentary film “Side of Light” (director - Alexander Silkin, Gorizont Films, 2023)

  • Documentary film Hip-hop Feel 00 Sofia (director - Didar Orazov, Gorizont Films, 2023)



directors - Presnyakov Brothers

commisioned by Mysteria creative association (Russia)

premiere version - February, 2025 - All cinemas in Russia


commissioned by Ensemble Mosaik

world premiere - October, 2024 - Berlin, Germany - Ensemble Mosaik


commissioned by GES-2

​Composer, Artistic director - Roman Parkhomenko

Director - Ruslan Bitsoev

3D Artist - Rita Valeeva


commissioned by Michel Marang

Video - Michel Marang

world premiere - 2023 - Amsterdam, Netherlands



Roman Parkhomenko


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